
Epasel capsules for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and reduction of risk of coronary heart diseases are available in pharmacies, online pharmacies, herbal shops, and drugstores in Hungary.

Heart and circulatory health

Cardiovascular disorders are among the most common chronic diseases and, unfortunately, more and more people die every year as a result of the improper functioning of the circulatory system. In most cases, high blood pressure, vascular calcification, diabetes, and obesity are the direct source of danger and can lead to premature death. Every year, 16 million people worldwide die of a heart attack or stroke.

The number of coronary artery disease and limb peripheral vascular disease is increasing every year. It is safe to say that the health of today’s people is primarily endangered by cardiovascular problems, since the majority of heart attacks can be traced back to calcification and the associated narrowing of blood vessels.


There is scientific evidence that several known risk factors are responsible for the development of heart disease. These include high levels of blood lipids, smoking and regular alcohol consumption, high blood sugar levels, a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, obesity and overweight, and certain inherited predisposing factors. The good news, however, is that by eliminating one or more risk factors, the chance of heart attack can be significantly reduced. Many experts rank high levels of blood lipids, including high cholesterol and triglycerides, as the number one risk factor.

It has been observed that certain ethnic groups, such as the Eskimos, have a very low incidence of heart attacks, compared to other part of the world. The reason for the difference is to be found in the characteristics of the Eskimos’ diet. The main course of their diet is sea fish, which is consumed in large quantities. The key to this lies in the important unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids found in sea fish oil, of which docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are natural protectors against the calcification of blood vessels, loss of elasticity of the vessel wall and the development of heart disease.


During the body’s life processes, active substances (free radicals) are produced that damage the cells of the vascular walls and the heart muscle, which are therefore exposed to the negative effects of oxidative stress. Selenium, when taken in sufficient amounts every day, contributes to the protection of cells, including heart muscle cells, against oxidative stress.


When EPASEL soft capsules applied as a cure, it

  • reduces blood cholesterol and helps to restore and maintain a healthy ratio of blood fats,
  • increases the elasticity of the blood vessel walls, and slows down the age-related atherosclerosis processes,
  • inhibits platelet adhesion, thus reducing the risk of thrombosis.

EPASEL soft capsule is the first medically approved natural health product marketed in Hungary made exclusively from natural active ingredients, which contains both cholesterol and triglyceride-lowering marine fish oil concentrate, omega-3 fatty acids, and selenium, which are important for heart function and are not absorbed in sufficient amounts in an average diet.

Taking EPASEL as a cure provides the necessary amount of selenium for the body, and also contains 500 mg of sea fish oil, with 150 mg of EPA and DHA. We would not be able to get this amount into the body with usual diet.

EPASEL soft capsules are recommended for people at the risk of cardiovascular diseases to prevent the development of infarction. EPASEL capsules are indicated for people who want to prevent the development of heart attacks or other circulatory diseases.

EPASEL the natural remedy for your heart

For more information on risks and side effects, please READ THE PATIENT INFORMATION LEAFLET or consult your doctor or pharmacist.
