Causes and treatment of urinary tract infections in the summer

2024. May 29. | Urogin

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) can occur in summer and is often more common than in winter – here are the causes, symptoms, and ways to prevent it.

Causes of a UTI

A Urinary tract infection (UTI) can cause urethritis, bladder inflammation (cystitis), or in some severe cases even kidney infection (pyelonephritis). Although a UTI is common in the colder months, it can also easily develop in the summer. Here are some common causes:

Wearing a wet swimsuit for too long: after swimming or going to the beach, a wet swimsuit creates a favourable environment for bacteria that can cause a urinary tract infection.

Improper hygiene: poor hygiene increases the chance of bacteria entering the urinary tract.

Lack of fluid intake: in warmer weather, the body loses more fluid and if not replenished properly, more concentrated urine can irritate the urinary tract, helping to cause infection.

Sexual activity: Sexual activity also increases the risk of urinary tract infections, especially if proper hygiene rules are not followed.

Symptoms of UTI

The symptoms of UTI can be extremely unpleasant and disturbing. The most common symptoms include:

  • frequent urge to urinate,
  • pungent urine,
  • lower abdominal pain,
  • turbid or foul-smelling urine.


To prevent urinary tract infections, there are a few simple rules to follow:

  • Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day to flush the urinary tract
  • After bathing or swimming, change wet swimsuits for dry ones immediately
  • Follow hygenie rules
  • Wear loose clothes made from breathable fabrics

Treatment of UTIs

The treatment of a UTI depends on the cause and the severity of the symptoms. Mild cases can often be relieved by home treatment, while more severe infections require medical intervention. An effective treatment is the use of Urogin oral solution, a traditional herbal medicine containing natural ingredients that helps to heal UTIs and reduce symptoms.

Benefits of Urogin oral solution:

  • Helps reduce inflammation and irritation of the urinary tract.
  • Relieves pain in the lower abdomen and discomfort caused by stinging urine.
  • Helps prevent exacerbation of infection and speeds up the healing process.

For more information about Urogin Oral Solution, feel free to contact us.